A car accident can be a life-changing incident that could leave victims with not only physical scars but a crippling financial crunch. The cost of medical care is already through the roof in the U.S. When it involves surgery for reconstruction or disfigurement, it skyrockets. 

At a time when you should be focusing on recovery, navigating the insurance process can be overwhelming. However, it doesn’t have to be, as we will guide you through a clear, concise, step-by-step roadmap to successfully claim medical expenses.

Understanding Medical Coverage After a Car Accident

There are various insurance types to help you cover medical expenses after a car accident. The U.S. insurance market is one of the largest in the world, with over 1 trillion dollars spent on insurance premiums every year. 

Medical insurance typically covers ER visits, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and psychological counseling, among other expenses. If you are new to insurance, below are the various insurance types that can help you cover medical expenses.

Med Pay

This is a no-fault coverage that’s ideal for your medical bills and lost wages in some cases. The best part is that the coverage will be provided regardless of who caused the accident. It often supplements PIP or health insurance and may cover costs like co-pays or deductibles, which PIP may not.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Just like Med Pay, PIP is no-fault coverage that offers a payout regardless of who was at fault. However, coverage varies by state and policy.

Health Insurance

Your regular health insurance will typically cover car accident-related medical expenses. However, it’s advisable to supplement it with Med Pay or PIP to ensure you don’t get trapped into overpaying for something the health insurance doesn’t cover. 

Liability Insurance

This is insurance that every driver should avail themselves of as it’s for the at-fault driver. In case of a car accident, if the other driver is at fault, their liability insurance will cover the medical expenses exceeding your coverage limit.

If the at-fault driver refuses to reimburse you, you can lawyer up and sue for personal injury and recover your costs. However, there are regulations in various states, such as statutes of limitations, which state the period before you can file a lawsuit. 

For example, according to a recent report, St. Louis, Missouri, is among the top ten most accident-prone cities in the US. If you had a car accident in St. Louis, Missouri, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is five years. 

You will need to hire a St. Louis car accident attorney to help you file the lawsuit in accordance with the state regulations. The local attorney can also help collect evidence through their network with local law authorities. 

The Case for Insurance Coverage of Plastic Surgery After an Accident

Plastic surgery covers both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures. However, their coverage after an accident differs quite significantly. Reconstructive surgeries are necessary to restore bodily function or appearance compromised by the accident. Insurance will cover these procedures as they are essential for physical and psychological recovery.

According to TorHoerman Law, cosmetic surgery is mainly for aesthetic enhancements and is typically not covered by insurance after an accident. These procedures include facelifts or rhinoplasty, which are considered elective. And considering that the average cost of a facelift in the U.S. is around $10,000, it’s natural to see why insurance companies might not cover the procedure, especially when it’s not critical for recovery.

In the case of reconstructive surgeries, insurance companies typically assess criteria like severity of disfigurement, functional impairment, and medical necessity. To strengthen your claim for reconstructive surgery, keep all original medical records, document the injury with clear pictures, and gather expert opinions. 

By understanding these distinctions and diligently documenting your case, you can maximize your chance of receiving coverage for plastic surgery after the accident.

To summarize, understanding the difference between cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery is crucial for securing insurance coverage after an accident. Remember that any plastic surgery involving procedures to restore and address severe disfigurement has a higher chance of being covered. On the other hand, procedures involving cosmetic enhancements will be rejected.

You can advocate for your right to necessary medical care by diligently documenting your injuries and gathering professional opinions from health experts. The key is not to get discouraged or overwhelmed by the complexities of insurance. Arm yourself with knowledge and perseverance to secure the fair compensation you deserve after the accident.

By Grace